
24 October 2017

Te Pūreirei 2017

He hītori

Ko te Pūreirei tētehi āhuatanga o te taiao nei. E ai ki ngā kōrero he momo tūnga mō ngā tāngata e whakawhiti ana i te repo. Kua whakatairitea tēnei ki te nekenga o te ākonga Tau 8 ki Te Wharekura. Nā Reimana Tutengaehe te ingoa Te Pūreirei i tākoha mai ki Te Kura Whakapūmau i te tau 2011 mō tētehi akomanga mō ngā ākonga Tau 8 o te kura nei. He akomanga tēnei mō ngā tamariki ka whakawhiti atu ki Te Wharekura. Ko tōna tino kaupapa he whakarite i ngā ākonga mō ngā āhuatanga katoa e hāngai ana ki Te Wharekura.

The Pūreirei can be likened to a lily pad, a stepping stone to be used to traverse the complexities of a swamp. The concept of Te Pūreirei was gifted to Te Kura Whakapūmau in 2011 by Reimana Tutengaehe, an ex-pupil and raukura of the kura when a need was identified to provide a class for Year 8 students to support in their transition to the secondary sector of Te Kura Whakapūmau.

Anei ngētehi whakaahua o ngā Tau 8 i tō rātou haerenga ki Te Whakatakaka o te Ngarehu o Ahi Tamatea!


  1. Kei whea mai te ataahua o tēnei hikoi o ngā taiohi o Te Pūreirei! Kua rite katoa koutou mō te whakawhitinga ki Te Wharekura!!!

  2. Pai ngā whakaahua
