
4 November 2016

Te Wiki Tua3 me te Wiki Tua4 o te Wāhanga Tua4

Nau mai anō ki te rangitaki o Te Kura Waenga! 
Tēnā, tirohia te mahi ā ngā taiohi o Te Matatupu me Te Parahia i te wiki tuatoru! Toritori katoa rātou!
Check out what the tamariki from Te Kura Waenga have been getting up to during week 3. Everyone is busy busy as we head towards the end of the school year!

Kua tīmata ngā tamariki ki te waihanga i tētehi ao Mahi Maina. Ko te mahi ia he whakahoahoa i tētehi whare māra.  I a wiki he paearu anō ka tāpirihia ki te mahi nei. Ko te whāinga ia he whakakōrero i ngā tamariki hei te wā ka whakaatuhia te mahi.
All the students have been given the task to create a Māra Kai using Minecraft. This tool is being used to provide a strategy for the tamariki to talk about their own world.

Tuatahi, me whakarite māra kai.

Tuarua, me whakarite whakaruruhau mō te māra kai.

Kia rua ngā papa o te whakaruruhau.

Me kuhu atu ngā hīhī o Tama nui te rā.

He awa kōpikopiko e rere ana i waenganui i te māra kai.

He papa tākaro i te taha o te māra kai.

Ia Rātū, ka hīkoi tahi mātou ngā ākonga me ngā kaimahi katoa o te kura ki te Pāka o Ōterepō.  He oranga tinana, he oranga wairua.
Every Tuesday at 12pm, all the tamariki and all the kaimahi stop what they are doing and go for a walk together down to Waltham Park.  This is good for the body and the soul!

Ngā Kaitiaki I-papa
Me mihi ka tika ki te tokorua nei o Manatū, ngā kaitiaki o ngā I-papa o te kura. He mahi nui te āta whakariterite i ngā rawa nei! Tēnā kōrua! 
Big shout out to our girls that carry the responsibility of ensuring the Ipads are all accounted for and are all charged. What a massive job!

Ko te Ine te kaupapa matua. Kei te ako tētehi rōpu ki te rapu i te paenga, te horahanga me te rōrahi o ngā āhuahanga. 
The focus for our tuakana is measurement. They are learning about perimeter, area and volume.

E whakawhānui ana tētehi rōpū i ō rātou nei mōhiotanga ki te uara tū.
Another group is working on Place Value.

E whakaako ana a Matua Taane i tētehi rōpū pāngarau. Ko te tangohanga te kaupapa matua.

Kei te haere tonu ngā awheawhe i ngā Rātū, ngā Rāapa me ngā Rāpare. Te koakoa hoki o ngā tamariki! 
Our workshops with Te Pihinga, Te Matatupu and Te Parahia are a hit with both students and teachers. The tamariki are fully engaged and are taking part in some awesome learning! 


Pouaka Māra (Hangaruatia)

Pouaka Māra

Pāmu Noke. Kei te whakarite tēnei rōpū i ngā pānui mō te Hui Taurima o te kura (Gala Day).

Whakarite i te māra kai.

 Te whakatō i ngā tipu i te māra kai.

Te reo matatini e hāngai ana ki te māra kai. Ko te kaupapa o te pakiwaitara ko te mahana haere o te ao. 
Literacy and numeracy has been embedded into the workshops. The tamariki are reading about Global Warming.

Kei te haere tonu ngā akoranga mau rākau i te taha o Matua Rudolph!

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