E te tī e te tā, tāuti mai rā!
Kātahi rā te wiki whawhati kō ko tēnei! Kei ngā iho māreikura kei ngā iho whatukura o Te Kura Waenga mō koutou i whakapau kaha ki te eke ki te puhitaioreore o ngā mahi i te akomanga nei rā te karamihi! Tirohia ngā mahi huhua o ngā pia o tēnei whare wānanga Aho Matua!
Geez! Talk about a hard out week at kura for the ākonga from Te Matatupu me Te Parahia. I want to acknowledge all the tamariki for their hard work and commitment to their mahi at kura. Our class goal is to WHAKAKAU - TRANSFORM! We want to transform the way we think and act at kura, and to strive for excellence in all our mahi! Have a jack at what the tamariki have been up to this week!
Kei te haere tonu ngā akoranga e pā ana ki te tuhi mihi! Kei whea mai te rerehua o ngā whakaaro Māori i ngā momo mihi!
Ko te mahi he tuhi i ngētehi rere mihi ki ngā tāngata whai pānga i tō tīma hākinakina.
I ōhiamanomanohia te kaupapa, i tautohua ngā tāngata whai pānga, i tīpakohia te horopaki mihi!
Ngā taitama o Te Kura Waenga.
Ngā kōhine ihumanea!
Autaia te mahi!
Whū! Tēnei ihuoneone!
Whai muri i te tuhi rere mihi i hōpukina e ngā ākonga te reo i Whakamāramatia te Katoa (Explain Everything).
I ārahi a Whaea Katarina i tētehi akoranga pāngarau i te taha o ngā ākonga o Te Matatupu i te wiki nei.
Pukumahi ana Te Paea rāua ko Stacie.
Hei tautoko i te ako i ngā meka matua i tākaro ngā ākonga i te kēmu patapatai Kahoot!
Rata pai ana ngā tamariki ki te kēmu nei!
Nanakia te mahi nei!
He mahi aroā.
He rawe rawa atu te kite atu i ngā tuakana me ngā teina e tākaro ngātahi ana!
Kua aro hoki ngā tamariki o Te Matatupu ki ngā tuhinga tohutohu. Ko te tao kai te horopaki. I tēnei wiki i whakarite rātou i ngā mōhani.
The year 5 & 6 students have been learning about instructional writing through the context of cooking. This week we made fruit smoothies!
Ka rau atu a Te Kairangi i ngā panana tio, i ngā rahipere tio, i ngā pea, i ngā rau rengamutu me te miraka tepe ki te kapu.
He wā tuhituhi inaianei!
Ka pai e tama! Ko te mahi whakamutunga he horoi rīhi!
I te Rāmere i puta atu mātou ngā tamariki o te kura tuatahi ki te whare kararehe - Willowbank. He iti noa ngā whakaahua ka whakaatuhia. He rangitaki anō tēnā, erangi, anei ngā tamariki i mua i te haerenga, tētehi whakaahua i te tīmatanga o te hīkoi i Willowbank, ā, he whakaahua o ngā ākonga o Te Kura Waenga e tohatoha atu i ngā pikitia o te rangi nei!
This Friday all the primary school students went on a trip to Willowbank. Here are only a couple of photos of the day. The tamariki will be writing a recount of the trip to share next week!
Ko te Wiki Pāngarau tēnei wiki. Kei te aro atu ngā tamariki ki ngētehi mahi pāngarau i te ipurangi i te taha o Whaea Bahi! Taputapu kē koutou!
It's Maths Week in Aotearoa this week. The kids are checking out some maths games on the internet during their class with Whaea Bahi. Awesome you fullas!
I te Rāmere i puta atu mātou ngā tamariki o te kura tuatahi ki te whare kararehe - Willowbank. He iti noa ngā whakaahua ka whakaatuhia. He rangitaki anō tēnā, erangi, anei ngā tamariki i mua i te haerenga, tētehi whakaahua i te tīmatanga o te hīkoi i Willowbank, ā, he whakaahua o ngā ākonga o Te Kura Waenga e tohatoha atu i ngā pikitia o te rangi nei!
This Friday all the primary school students went on a trip to Willowbank. Here are only a couple of photos of the day. The tamariki will be writing a recount of the trip to share next week!
Kia mau tonu mai koutou! Hei te paunga o te wiki tuawhā ka tukuna anō tētehi rangitaki!
Ekea te puhitaioreore!
Kei tawhiti koutou e te Kura Waenga! Tēnā koutou e ngā ringa raupā! Ekea te puhitaioreore.
ReplyDeleteNaku iti noa,
Kōkā Merita
Koia kei a koutou :)
ReplyDeleteKapai koutou pai to mahi ano so amazing to read about all ur learning use have had keep up the awesome work